On Tuesday Jason went to class with her - a parent was supposed to accompany each threeschooler. I made him promise to take pictures for me since I was going to miss it :( I have begun to suffer slightly from 'guilty working mommy' syndrome! Jason often reminds me though, that if I didn't work we couldn't afford to send her to school. I guess he is right...(just this one time!)
When her 'preschool' size backpack arrived, I knew it was small. I didn't realize how small it was until I saw this picture of it next to the other kid's backpacks. What in the world will they need to put in them?!?!? :)
She was hesitant to join in anything, but did tell me all about the train.
Jason also brought her this past Friday, for her first full morning without him. He said that she was very stand offish, until her best bud Izzy got there. (Friends always make a new situation easier!) So far, I think threeschool has been a take it/or leave it kind of thing for her. I hope she grows to look forward to each Tuesday and Friday!
She is the 'beary special student' this coming Friday - which is just a snazzy way of saying that they have to have a parent (or special person) there to volunteer. I am so excited to spend the entire time there with her - watching how she interacts with other kids, and getting to know the other kids in her class!
She also started dance class. When I signed her up, she hid behind me the entire time! This past week, I had to persuade her to go in, but she went - yay!
As I was carrying her out, she used her small little whiney voice and informed me that she didn't want to leave - woo hoo! I was so happy!!! For being such an outgoing kid in familiar situations, it is so strange to me how shy she is when she begins a new situation.