Friday, December 25, 2009


As most of you know, I teach first grade (I have one of the best jobs around!!!). A few weeks ago we were hit with a very cold and snowy few days, which meant... snow days! While I love going to school and teaching, I also look forward to snow days and spending time with Quin, Ellery, Gianna and Easton. (I always tell my students that teachers like snow days probably more than they do!)

Snow days equal pajama days, and lounge around the house days.
Even Quin and Easton agreed that it looked cold and yucky outside - you can't tell, but the snow was blowing sideways. Ick!
I had started monkey bread the night before (I was very worried that I was jinxing it), so we enjoyed a yummy gooey breakfast.
I had also gathered some craft items for projects that I wanted to work on over the weekend, so we got to work a few days early. I love anything that has the handprint or footprint of my children. We worked hard, but had a lot of fun, making Santa, reindeer, reindeer heads and angels. Quin loved having her hands and feet painted. Easton and Ellery tolerated each painting, but Gianna hated every moment (I am sure she hopes that I never have a snow day again).
We made reindeer and Santa ornaments out of their hand prints. In the past I have made reindeer gift tags for our Christmas presents. This year I did so with the Santa prints (the middle Santa below).
I made wrapping paper out of the reindeer prints and the angels. I used Quin's foot for the main part of each so that it would be bigger, and the babies' handprints for the wings and antlers. Quin was sooo proud to give the reindeer present to her Gampa Gampa!
Later, Quin decided that she wanted to join Jason outside while he snowblowed the drive. I thought for sure that she would be right back in (it was really cold out!). She stayed out for at least a half an hour.
When I was taking the picture below, she kept asking me if I could see her smile :)
More than once I caught Jason stopping to lean down to Quin's level. When I asked about it, he told me that she would scream to him to stop so that he could give her a kiss. I just love the special bond that they have!
I enjoy every minute that I am home (I don't always say that in the moment, but feel that way when I look back). It is so much fun to have unexpected time to just hang out and have fun with my family!
I think Easton had fun too!

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