Friday, April 3, 2009

Dr. Appointments

Yesterday we had a weight recheck for the triplets. They are all doing very well! We will go back in another two weeks to measure growth again.

Ellery – 18 ¼ inches long, 5 pounds 3 ounces
Gianna – 18 ½ inches long, 5 pounds 7 ounces
Easton – 18 ¼ inches long, 5 pounds 4.5 ounces

While there, the doctor noticed that Easton had a heart murmur. He is still having some difficulty eating – he is a pokey eater due mainly to a poor seal around the bottle nipple. This, coupled with the murmur gave her some reason to be concerned. She was able to get us in today to see a pediatric heart specialist at DeVos. They did an EKG and an ultrasound on his heart. We are thankful to report that he has an ‘innocent’ heart murmur. The cardiologist explained that it is the type of murmur that is not guilty of anything, hence being innocent. If you are to have a murmur, the innocent one is the kind to have. More likely than not the doctor thinks he will outgrow the murmur. Even if he does not, it should be nothing to be concerned about – thank goodness!!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hi Joelee! Miss you girl, glad to hear the murmur is "innocent"--just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you all!