Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Haircuts {Quin & Easton}

Easton and Quin had their very first haircuts today!

Now for those of you who are terrified at the idea of us cutting Quin's hair - you can breathe. We only had the back trimmed up in an attempt to streamline the bottom back section of her hair with the top layers. The woman who cut her hair ended up taking much less off of the back than even I had first suggested. Quin sat well. She was confused on where to look - the extra large mirror was throwing her off. Plus, she wanted to physically watch what the stylist was doing, instead of watching her reflection in the mirror. Overall, I was very happy.

Quin is not feeling well - she has a gunky nose, and tired out fast today. She was in no mood to have me take her after picture :( I don't think you could tell anyways...
My little man did fab-u-lous! I was very proud. It started out a little iffy. He didn't like having his arms covered. Once we freed his arms, he became enthralled in a hair pic. It kept him occupied for almost the entire time. She was able to cut his hair in a very short amount of time, rather painlessly (I think).
Doesn't he look handsome?!?!? I should have made more of an effort to have his hair cut a few months ago. It wasn't planned, but after he had his hair cut we noticed a remarkable resemblence to the monkey on shirt :)

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