Monday, July 16, 2012

June - My Picky Pickers

Near the beginning of June, we took our crew to hand pick some strawberries at DeLange's Redberry Farm.  I knew the kids wouldn't last long, but I would really like them to start to form some knowledge/appreciation of how much work it takes to have the food we eat.  It is worth a try, right?!?!  

They let us pick down a row.  Jason, Quin and Gianna took one side, and Easton, Ellery and myself took the other.
I loved their red stained fingers!
Easton would pick a few, eat a few and then sit until I made him pick more.  Needless to say he didn't contribute much to the end pile.

The kids only lasted about twenty minutes (in their defense, it was super hot and I didn't argue with them!).  We ended up buying more from DeLange's farmers stand.  The strawberries were small, but scrumptious!  We made a superb strawberry shortcake, and then they helped me freeze the rest for smoothies.  So yummy!

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