Wednesday, December 26, 2012

1st Day of School - ThreeSchool and Kindergarten (August)

Two mornings a week my counter looks like this:
It takes a whole lot of nightly organizing to make sure everyone has their outfits, homework, backpacks, lunch for Quin...  I have NO idea how I am going to do this in two years when I have to do it every day!

Quin is now in Kindergarten {sniff, sniff}!  Our district closed the 'ECC' building, which used to house all of the K kiddos, and has now put them back into the neighborhood elementary schools.  And, Jason and I chose to do schools of choice, so that she can attend the school where I teach (we live in the district that I teach in, but have a different neighborhood school).  Our district also went to the 'all day, every day' model this year.  So...I get to bring her to school and home every day!  
I do LOVE that I get to see her many times throughout the day (she has to walk past my room to get to the main area of the school).  I also love that I know most of the kiddos in her class, can stop in to eat lunch with her, and keep an eye on her behavior!  She likes that I am there... most of the time ;)
 The triplets also started 'Threeschool' this year.  They go to the same preschool that Quin went to, and they are in the same class together!  They love going and it has been good for them to socialize with other kids their age (not just each other - ha!)

The first day of school for them was a shortened day, and a parent needed to accompany them.  Well, unfortunately it is the first week of school for me.  Jason brought them, along with our nanny (she does all of the transportation).  

 They are slightly thrown off because there is another Ellery in their class, AND her last name starts with an S also.  Crazy, huh?!?!?

 They painted the first day, so my kids bought into the idea of preschool immediately - they love paint!

 They love going, but tend to stick together most of the time.  Easton and Ellery are both more outgoing, and willing to take more risks.  They can name off other kids in their class that they play with.  Gianna is shy and introverted by nature.  She can tell me about the kids in her class, but doesn't really care to be friends with any of them.  Her answer, "Ellery and Easton are my best friends".  She also often talks about her teachers as her friends and playmates.

We are so fortunate to have wonderful teachers and schools for our children to go each day!  All four kids look forward to school - a huge thank you to everyone who makes their days happy, fun and educational!

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